Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Beautiful new baby girl!

March 20, 2011, our beautiful and athletic purebred Arabian mare Mirage has given birth to a perfect, bright red, sabino, purebred Arabian filly.  Here she is!
So far we haven't yet named her, but stay tuned as we will come up with something perfect for this wonderful new addition to our farm.
She is perky, athletic, healthy and very very friendly - typical Arabian!  These are just some of the reasons that I love to cross our Curlies with Arabians.  This filly will be an eventual replacement for our mare Mirage, but we have plans to rebreed Mirage to *Icon for a 2012 foal.  Wow, that will be another exceptional cross!
Here is one more of the little sweetie.
Curly Standard Place

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