I have been casually looking for the past couple of years for a mini mare that might we suitable to breed to a Curly stallion - well, a few weeks ago I heard about a little girl that sounded like she could be suitable so I inquired about her and as of November 26th, 2005 she became a happy new resident of our farm. This is Strawberry Shortcake, she is supposed to be about 36 inches tall, but I haven't measured her yet...
Now if you know my farm at all you may be wondering if I would use *Sandman with her and while the lure of his ability to throw 100 percent Curly foals is there, his filly with *Cinnamon was quite large (as all his foals seem to be), so no I would not risk this cross with a mini mare. Luckily, I have *VJB Man In The Moon, aka Lex here at our farm and having struck a deal with his owner Wendy Hale, I will be using him with both *Cinnamon and Shortcake - wow I can't wait for my 2007 foal crop already - talk about living in the future - LOL.
Now Shortcake came with an incredibly cute "companion" - this is Shadow, he is a little bit smaller than her and he is a "dwarf", fortunately he is gelded - this should never be bred into any type of horse. Having said that, he is INCREDIBLY cute - he is soooo sweet, gentle and kind - what a wonderful pet he is! Fun on the farm!